Monday, July 11, 2011

My Point of View

In order to continue to help Jackson build his neck strength for sitting up, and later crawling, we've been doing lots of tummy time. He gets pretty angry when we put him flat on the floor on his tummy, so I've been finding other fun ways to get him on his tummy, like propping a pillow underneath him and then laying on the floor at his level with toys and lots of funny faces, putting him on my shins while laying on my back flying him around like an airplane, etc.

Today, we spent some time lounging on the couch and "talking" to each other (read cooing back and forth) and I happened to have my phone handy to capture some video when we decided to do some tummy time.

Not the best video, and not too much going on, but thought you'd like to see what tummy time looks like from my perspective and why I happen to love it so much.

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