Sunday, August 23, 2009

Adventures in Yakima

Corey had various football activities planned for the weekend (first Seahawks home game and a fantasy football draft), so it was the perfect weekend for Roxy and I to pack up and head east for a few days.

I love taking Roxy to Yakima - she has a huge yard to play in and we don't have to trek down a flight of stairs and go around the block for every bathroom break. Plus, my parents have a pool, so when it's hot (like it was this weekend), it's a great way to cool off. Tried to take Roxy swimming again and she's still not a fan. Some day, she'll figure it out.

It was great to see my parents again, for the second weekend in a row. Had lots of fun visiting with them and my grandma, going out to eat (
2nd Street Grill) and going to the movies with my mom and Kels' mom, Patti (Julie & Julia - super cute!). I was able to run yesterday with my dad - it was so nice to have a running buddy for my long run (18-miles!). We left nice and early, when it was a little cooler, and literally jogged from one of town to the other and back. We finished in 2:48, which I think is about a 9:25 pace.

Now, we're back home and we're all resting after our busy weekends.

Here are some photos from the weekend.

Love this toy - fits perfectly in her mouth.

Love the view from my parents' house - you can see for miles.

Their dog, Maggie. She's getting old but she's still so sweet and cute. And she's so good with Roxy.

Playing fetch in the backyard.

Yep, I throw like a girl. Roxy doesn't care, as long as you're throwing the ball for her.

Posin' for a pic.

Roxy and my dad, hanging out in my grandma's backyard.

Roxy had a busy weekend. She was so tired last night, she didn't even make it to her bed.

She was still tired today - slept almost the entire way back to Seattle.

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