Sunday, August 23, 2009

Marathon Training Update - Week 13

It's hard to believe it's been 5 weeks since my last update. It doesn't feel like it was all that long ago, yet that is the same amount of time I have left until the race!

Speaking of race - Corey has decided to run the Bellingham Bay half marathon! I'm so proud of him! A year-and-a-half ago, he wasn't even running / working out and now here he is planning to run a half. He's been up running 3-4 miles several times a week and about a month ago, he ran 7 miles and then ran 10 miles the following week. When training for a half, that is the longest distance you need to go, so knowing that he'd still have time to get some more long runs in before the race, he decided to sign up. I am so impressed as his drive, determination and willingness to get up early to run, especially when he would prefer to run in the evenings. I can't wait to see how he does!

I've just completed week 13 of my marathon training. In the last 13 weeks, I've run 297 miles and I only have 123 miles left until race day. This week included an 18-mile run yesterday, which I was able to run with my dad while I was in Yakima. This was my longest run so far - the second longest run was a 16-miler two weeks ago. I have just one longer run left - I'll be running 20 miles in two weeks. After that, my runs start tapering down in preparation for the race on September 27!
  • Over the last 13 weeks, I've learned a lot about running and about myself:
    My dad is the most healthy, in shape person I know, especially over 55. (I already knew this but seeing him train for the race has re-confirmed this.) He is such a role model to me. I can only hope I'll be half as energetic as he is when I'm 55.
  • The more I run, the less I dread it. (Before, the nights before I went for a 5-6 mile run, I'd kind of dread getting up to run.) I actually don't mind my long Saturday morning runs - I don't mind going to bed early, getting up early or the actual act of running. In fact, I actually kind of look forward to it.
  • I thought running 15, 16 and 18 miles would be horrible since I'd never run that far, ever. Instead, they actually go by pretty fast, especially if I'm running with my dad. I never thought 2-1/2+ hours of running could go by quickly.
  • I can finally understand why those who said they'd never run more than one marathon actually run another. When I first started, I said this would be my only one...but I may be persuaded to run another (just not for a really long time - I need my sleep!). Note: ask me about this after I actually finish the marathon to see if I still feel this way!
  • I actually feel better on my long runs on Saturday after having a 48-hour break than I do during my shorter runs on Wednesdays and Thursdays, when I've run several days in a row.
  • I hate running when it's over 70 degrees. I've run a few times in 75-85+ degree weather and it's awful. I feel so much better, can run much further and runs go by much faster when it's cool, first thing in the morning.
  • I would much rather run on weekday mornings, after only 5-6 hours of sleep, than work all day, thinking about having to run that night. I've been extremely tired these past few months because I just can't get to bed earlier than 11 p.m. or so (while getting up at 5 or 5:30), but I can't fathom only running at night after work, considering that we get home after 6, have to walk Roxy and make and clean up dinner. When not running at night, we don't sit down to relax until 8:30 or 9 p.m. on a good night.

That's all for now. Gotta relax and get ready for tomorrow morning's run!

1 comment:

  1. Yay, just a few more weeks until the race!! It is great to hear that you are enjoying it so much. Can't wait to cheer you guys on (from my couch) on race day!!
