Sunday, August 16, 2009

My parents came to visit this weekend to keep Roxy and I company while Corey was out of town for Spence's bachelor party. We had a busy weekend, including a trip to the dog park, lots (seriously, lots) of fetch with Roxy, a 12-miler through Discovery Park, shopping, drives through both West Seattle and Magnolia, and happy hour at Matador.

One of the highlights of the weekend, though, was the tour of the Sea Star. The Sea Star was built in 1969 and was one of seven 94-foot vessels built for the Bering Sea crab industry and has been featured on the show Deadliest Catch. Kenny, one of the deckhands, told us about the boat and even posed for a few photos.

We got lots of great photos from the tour which I uploaded to Flickr, but my favorites are included below.

Full view of the Sea Star.

Background on the Sea Star. (Click to enlarge.)

Kenny took his turn throwing the hook out that helps bring the crab pots.

My dad and I with Kenny, in front of one of the huge crab pots (they weigh 900 lbs...empty!).

Hanging out in one of the life rafts.

My dad pretending he's Capt. Larry.
The crew's bathroom.

The crew's sleeping quarters.

My mom and I hanging out at the dining table. Note the edges on the table and green mat - both to keep plates from slipping when out at sea.

The kitchen.

My dad, pretending he's guiding the crab nets back on board.

Making sure the safety suits were nice and safe...
This is a (once living) crab. It's about 8 inches --- they only keep the crabs that are 6+ inches.

A crab pulled him right into the crab pot!

The parents in front of the Sea Star.

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