Friday, October 9, 2015

Pumpkin Patch Field Trip

Another year, another pumpkin patch field trip for Jackson!  He was so excited for the field trip this year, and to go on his first field trip with his new class.  And I was exicted to help chaperone again - it's so fun seeing the kiddos get so excited for a day of fun, away from school.

This year, we went to Jubilee Farm, which was a first for us.  There's a nice little pumpkin patch, wagon rides, lots of fruits and vegetables growing around the farm, some animals (ducks, chickens and pigs), and a hay maze.  Even though it was a bit chilly and damp that a.m., the kiddos had a great time, and enjoyed picking out pumpkins and seeing the animals and learning all kinds of fun facts about them.

In looking back at photos from last year's field trip, I can't believe how much older Jackson looks this year! Time sure flies and you don't notice the changes day to day, but when comparing year over year, it really is amazing how much they grow and change.


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