Saturday, September 12, 2015

New School

We recently enrolled the boys at a new school, which is closer to our house (only 3-4 mins away!) and provides a much better chance that the boys will be in daycare with kids that they will eventually go to elementary school with. While we loved their other school and the great care they each received, it was a bit of a trek and it was highly unlikely that they'd be in school together later, given the location.

We knew it would be a tough transition, especially on Jackson, so we broke the news to him as soon as we knew back in early July, but after just a few minutes of discussion, he was ready to change schools.  That made for a bit of a tough time at his old school - harder drop-offs, him saying he didn't want to go there anymore, wanting to get dropped off in Cole's classroom (which the school happily accommodated, thankfully), etc. 

Before his official first day, Jackson had the opportunity to attend a few days of summer camp and really seemed to like it.  Even still, the first day was a bit tough on both boys and there were tears from both of them.  As Corey and I walked out the door, we could hear Cole yelling "Mama! Dada!" after us.  So sad.  But I had the receptionist check on both boys a bit later and she confirmed that they each calmed down shortly after we left (Jackson more quickly than Cole) and were doing great.

There have been no more tears from Jackson at drop off and Cole has cried less each day.  Jackson's learned all kids of new things already, including counting to 100 by two's, how to make applesauce, etc.  He looks forward to making an apple pie this week.  Cole's teachers were impressed with how well he adapted to that classroom and love how much he talks and asks "what's that?!" each day.  One day, he saw a fire truck outside their window and for the rest of the day, he talked about the "TRUCK!". 

We've all really enjoyed the school so far, and look forward to everything the boys will learn and experience this year!

Cole doing his "farm work"

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