Thursday, September 24, 2015

Lil Kickers Round 2

Over the summer, Jackson asked about going to soccer again, so we signed him up for another session this fall.  And since we were planning to be there anyway for him, I signed up Cole for his first soccer session.

Last season, we were on the field with J most of the time but this session, he'll be on the field without us.  On the morning of his first practice, I broke the news to prepare him and he immediately said he didn't want to go.  So, we told him he needed to try one practice and if he didn't like it, he didn't need to go back.  While I had visions of him crying or not wanting to participate when we arrived, he immediately jumped right in, and was off and running, without so much as a look back.

He LOVED his first practice, running by me numerous times waving and saying "I want to come back next weekend!", and that was that.  It's been a few weeks and he still loves it.  He's the tallest kid on the field by almost a head, and seems to be one of the best listeners and it's so fun to see him enjoying something so much.

Cole on the other hand wasn't much of a fan the first practice. He wanted to be held much of the time and was pretty shy.  At the last practice though, he got really into some of the activities (red light, green light where he just ran nonstop, bubbles, cone towers and water breaks) and especially loved running to and diving on the bouncy tubes that separate the fields, leading to a face plant on the next field at one point (he was fine and back up and running immediately).  Hoping he continues to enjoy class.

Looking forward to seeing both them progress this season!


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