Saturday, May 2, 2015

Big Boys

With both boys hitting age milestones recently, I figured it was time for an update on what they're up to.

Jackson @ 4-years

  • Weight = 41.4 lbs (90%)
  • Height = 43.5" ("off the charts")
  • Loves writing and is getting pretty good at it.  
  • Starting to spell and can spell mom, dad, Cole, bump (thanks to 'bump' signs near speed bumps)
  • Can do simple math (addition, subtraction)
  • Know his address and our first and last names, and to call 9-1-1 if there's an emergency
  • Keeps tabs on our speed in the car, and compares it to what he sees on the speed limit signs, correcting us if we're going too fast.
  • Loves to help out, and will sometimes "clean" with his cleaning set, and then tells me he did it so that I don't have to (my heart melts every time)
  • Continues to be somewhat picky when it comes to eating veggies and some meats but typically doesn't have issues with chicken or fish.  Today at Subway, he had his first non-PB&J sandwich, and chose salami, cheese and olives and ate quite a bit of it.  Soups and pouches continue to be our friends to get those greens in.
  • Loves dance class and always asks if we are going each weekend (unfortunately the times it's offered don't work out well with our weekends much, so we aren't able to go as often as we'd like)
  • Loves hiking and continues to love parks
  • Curious George is his favorite show 
  • Is a GREAT big bro, looking out for Cole often.  While getting froyo today, Cole was sharing with Corey and they finished, but Cole noticed that Jackson still had some.  He started signing "please" and without us asking him to, Jackson offered Cole a few bites.
Cole @ 15-months

  • Weight = 25 lbs, 12 oz (75-90%)
  • Height = 32.5" (90%)
  • Head = 18.5" (50%)
  • Likes playing peek-a-boo - we'll say "where's Cole?" and he'll cover his eyes with his hands for a few secs, and then pull them away and say "boo!"
  • Can point to his head, eyes, nose, and toes and will hug his stuffed animals when asked
  • Says "please" in sign-language - noticed for the first time at Jackson's birthday, when he wanted more cake.  Comes out all the time now when he wants something, typically related to food.  He even pulled an empty Doritos bag out of the garbage today, bringing it to me while signing "please" since he wanted more but there were no more in the bag (he'd helped finish them earlier today).
  • Can stand himself up - no longer needs to scoot to pull himself up on something.
  • Loves helping empty the dish washer
  • Starting to get a little shy/clingy around strangers, though still not nearly as much as J was at this age
  • Two more teeth - top and bottom right side molars
  • Loves books, and wants to take breaks while drinking his milk in the morning/at night to read 
  • I've been working hard on animal sounds but he still only knows what a dog says "ruff ruff" (but hard to tell that's what he's saying).  He makes a machine gun sound when I ask him what a sheep says, and I think that's his way of saying "ba-aa-aa"
  • Gets excited about almost anything and continues to wiggle his whole body to express his excitement
Hugging one of his many stuffed animals

Reading with Auntie Sara

He loves this cupboard. If not stting like this, he's taking the tuperware out and putting it in the dining room.

Playing together so nicely!

Just kicking back and eating with his feet on the table.

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