Saturday, April 25, 2015

Jackson's 4th Birthday

Taking after my friend Sara, we decided that numerous celebrations throughout Jackson's birthday week were in order for his 4th birthday.

The celebrations kicked off Wednesday with cupcakes in Jackson's class in school.  On Thursday, Jackson stayed home from school and Corey and I took the day off to celebrate with the birthday boy.  During my and Corey's stay at Salish Lodge last summer in honor of our anniversary, we enjoyed a delicious breakfast which was a 4-course meal of all Jackson's favorite foods. We talked about bringing him back sometime, and it seemed like the perfect way to start his day.  We were excited to find that they had a 4-course breakfast just for kiddos and J loved every bit of it, eating more than he normally does in a week.  I'm not gonna lie - $22 for a kid's breakfast is insane, but it was honestly the best money I've spent in a long time, seeing his big smiles, not having to ask him to eat, and hearing his content sigh after he finished.

After breakfast, we headed to Corey's work to visit his co-workers (J is always asking us when he can visit our offices) and then we headed to his first movie in a movie theater - Home.  We were the only people in the theater and we were pleasantly surprised at how well he did.  Other than asking what time it was a few times, he stayed in his seat the entire time, didn't talk and basically ate an entire bag of popcorn himself while intently watching the show.

For dinner, Gramma Joan and Lisa and Hadley joined us at Red Robin.  As per usual, J enjoyed the singing and ice cream sundae.

First course = pastries and "kid's  coffee" (hot chocolate with whipped cream and chocolate shavings)

Course 2= pancakes

Course 3 = oatmeal

Course 4 = eggs, bacon and a biscuit (he didn't touch the sausage or potatoes)


After lunch, we walked over to the Snoqualmie Falls viewing point - J's first time.

Another first - playing an arcade game at Red Robin. He always seems so big/tall but he had to sit on Daddy's lap to reach the pedals.

Then today was Jackson's birthday party at Central Park. After a week of sketchy looking forecasts and discussions of potentially moving the party to our house, we were pleasantly surprised to see sun and blue skies breaking through the clouds just in time for the party (and never mind the hail and on-and-off rain showers that happened just after the party!).  The kiddos had a great time running around the park, snacking on bagels, donuts and fruit and stuffing their faces with cake.  And finally, J wrapped up his celebrations by unwrapping all the gifts from the party goers once we made it back home.    He was completely spoiled by all and spent the rest of the day enjoying all his new toys and games.

Jameson is one of Jackson's BFFs at school - they had a blast playing at the park together.  

It's hard to come by a Curious George cake, so J helped design this one by providing specific details around what he wanted, like green frosting, his name on the cake and chocolate cake with vanilla frosting.

Cole loved playing on all the toys and hanging with all the big kids.  A favorite was having Addy blow bubbles towards him, and going down the slide a million times.

Natalie and Ellie joined us to celebrate the birthday boy

Romi is another BFF.  When I ask him how school was each day, he tells me he played with his friends.  And when I ask about which friends, Jameson and Romi are always included.

It's not a party unless you need a clothes change when you get home. The kids loved the chalk we brought out towards the end, Cole included.  He plopped himself down right in the middle of the action and went to town.  This was just before waving, blowing kisses and giving hugs to the other kiddos before they left.

Almost time to open presents!

Jameson's present - little kid writing is one of my favorite things.
Getting ready to open presents

Putting together a new lego set with Grampa.  Not sure who had more fun...

I can't quite believe he's 4 - in some ways it seems like only yesterday he was Cole's age.  But there there are times he seems much older and I have to remind myself that he's just a little kid.  Regardless, I can't remember life without him but seriously, time needs to slow down - 4 sounds just way too old! 


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