Tuesday, August 19, 2014


Here are a few things that make me extra happy lately:

This happy, bouncey baby.

The Reeders recently loaned us Hadley's jumper and Cole absolutely loves it.  He has such a blast for long periods of time bouncing around and babbling.  We only ever had the Exersaucer with J, but now I'm wishing we'd invested in one of these bad boys earlier so both boys could have enjoyed it.


J has been pretty into board games and puzzles lately, and continues to like apps like Moose Juice and Moose Math.  It's so fun to see him learning, and he's doing much better about not getting upset if he doesn't win a game. Corey recently ordered Robot Turtles, which is a fun game that helps teach kids the fundamentals of programming.

After several months of amazing sleep, Cole is going through a rough patch ever since he started teething a few weeks back.  He's been waking up several times throughout the night, though settles down quickly if we quickly pop in his pacifier (something he didn't need overnight much before these chompers appeared).  But, we're still waking up to do this, and it's exhausting.  The good news is that he's able to put his pacifier in by himself every once in awhile in the car, so I'm hoping that he starts to do this with more accuracy soon, which will mean more sleep for us, if he continues to need it at night.

We've had an amazing summer and I've loved every second of the sun and warmth it's brought.  It's allowed for lots of outdoor time...from trips to the park and farm, to sun bathing while the boys nap, to cool morning runs, to eating dinner outside (both at home and Agave), and the list goes on.


We headed east over the weekend to spend time in Yakima with my parents and grandma. It'd been a year since I'd been, and two years since Corey had been, so we were looking forward to it.  Not only does it give my parents and grandma lots of time to spend with boys, it's usually even warmer there than here, and it's always so clam and relaxing - no traffic or crowds.  We were even able to sneak away to see a movie, and we all enjoyed a meal at El Porton (our favorite Mexican restaurant there). And J got to "help" grandpa in the yard (i.e. run around with the hose, spraying plants, trees and grandpa).

Our Frozen-loving toddler.

Forget Dora.  It's safe to say that Jackson is a Frozen addict.  He watches his favorite parts of the movie nearly every day (on the bright side, it takes just enough time for me to make dinner), and when he's not watching it, we're likely listening and singing along to the soundtrack.  I've also caught him leaping and bounding around the house and when asked, he said he was "running like Elsa". (Oh my...)

Corey came home with a surprise for me one day last week - a new style of one of my favorite pairs of jeans!  I don't buy myself jeans frequently partially due to cost, but also due to not liking to try them on (it always takes so many tries to find the right pair).  But, he knew that I liked a pair of Paige jeans I bought a few months ago, and decided to surprise me a new style that came out.  He's always so resourceful - sneakily checking my sizes so that he's prepared when the right item comes along. And he knows me better than I know myself sometime - always picking out things that I like, and that fit properly. These jeans are dark and perfect for work, but are stretchy and oh so comfy.  A win win!

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