Wednesday, August 27, 2014

7 Months

I'm stealing borrowing an idea from my friend Natalie, and in honor of Cole's 7th month, I'm posting 7 little tidbits about him.

1. Cole loves pulling himself up into a standing position while holding onto my hands.  He gets the biggest open mouth grin when he's fully upright, and has  been clapping (usually after some prompting) once up.

2. He's still going through a rough sleep patch. ever since those teeth came in.  Over the last few weeks we've been putting him to bed with a pacifier, and he's finally able to get it back in on his own more.  But we still have to go in at least 1-2 times to assist each night. And then some days (like this morning) he's decides that wake-up time should be at 5:30 a.m.

3. Cole continues to enjoy trying new solids, and Mum Mums, puffs and Cheerios seem to be his favorites (surprise, surprise).

4. He may be learning the sign for "more".  We showed him a few times, and then within a few days, he'd have food on tray that he either couldn't get to, or wasn't enough of the item that he wanted, and he'd do something that looked like a clap.  After giving him more, he stopped we're thinking that's what he may be saying!

5. Has the absolute best laugh ever - it's kind of a breath-y cackle.  A guaranteed way to hear it is to do lots of kisses and raspberries on his neck, just below his ears.

6. Cole's (finally) been spitting up less and less - thank GOODNESS!

7. Coley's been babbling more and is often saying what sounds like "da-da-da-da".

We all just love this kiddo more every day - he brings so much happiness, and so many smiles to our family.

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