Monday, July 7, 2014

4th of July

We had a great time celebrating the 4th of July.  We spent the morning relaxing, and then met up with the Gossetts, Reeders and Bishops for a picnic at a park in Kirkland.  Jackson loved playing at a new park and the weather was perfect for a late afternoon park date (and we happened to be packing up just as it started to sprinkle).

When we returned home, we headed over to our neighbors to hang out, and introduce Cole to a few couples who hadn't yet met him. Jackson loved doing his Pop-its, party poppers and playing with a sling-shot toy that one of our neighbors bought him.

After the boys were in bed, we caught the Lake Union fireworks on TV before hitting the sack.

Another 4th in the books, and another fun holiday spent with our little fam.

Here are a few photos from the day. Thanks Natalie, for the cute photos of the boys with Ellie and Hadley, and of our family!


Natalie, Ellie and Chris

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