Monday, June 30, 2014

Swimming Fun

Jackson finished his second swimming session over the weekend, and I couldn't be more proud of him.  He's come a long way in the last nine months - last summer, he wouldn't go anywhere near the water, even with a candy treat bribe.  Then, he surprised us by enjoying his first set of lessons with me in the water with him.  We took a bit of a break and changed venues to be closer to home for his next set of lessons, which put him in the water by himself with the teacher. This didn't phase him a bit. 

While he isn't quite ready to advance to the next level, his teacher said he enjoyed Jackson's eagerness to learn, his smiles and how much progress he made over the two months.  And even in the last two weeks, his confidence grew significantly and he wound up doing head bobs all on his own (something he hated before and never would do willingly for fear of getting water in his eyes...and yet we could never sell him on the benefits of goggles).

I put together a fun video of snippets from a few of his lessons.  Again, it doesn't seem like much, but this is definite progress, and we can't wait for more lessons later this year.

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