Saturday, December 21, 2013


We woke up to the first snowfall of the year yesterday and even though it was less than an inch of snow, school was delayed and then ultimately cancelled for Jackson, so I worked from home.  While it meant a lot of Dora watching for Jackson while I worked, we both decided a little fresh air after lunch would be fun, so we bundled up and headed outside.

Jackson hadn't ever really experienced snow.  It snowed his first year, but he was too little to enjoy it, and last year I think it snowed one day but turned to rain (and thus slush) before we even left the house for school.

We decided to build a snowman, which he named Frosty the Snowman ("just like in Dora Mixed Up Seasons!", which is one of his favorite Dora episodes).  The snow was perfect for snowman building, so it didn't take us long.

After that, we decided to do some writing in the snow, and until it started raining, our driveway was full of all kinds of names (Jackson, Mom, Dad, Auntie Sara, Gramma, Grampa, Kelsey, and so on).  I'm sure our neighbors got some laughs out of our driveway and snowman.

Can't wait for #2 to get here, and to see both boys get to enjoy the snow together in the years to come.

Unfortunately Frosty the Snowman didn't live long. After an evening of rain, he was pretty much a tipped over snowball. Poor J - he asked me to go out and "pick him up". If only I could, Jackson, if only I could.

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