Saturday, December 14, 2013

Seeing Santa

Jackson's visit to see Santa this year went MUCH more smoothly than last year.

To avoid crowds and waiting in line, we just headed over to the Santa we'd heard was located near the Issaquah Target, rather than the U Village Santa as in years past, and he did not disappoint. We didn't have to wait more than five minutes, the Santa was very friendly, and Jackson hopped right up onto his lap, all posed and ready for his picture.

He and Santa had a brief chat, including discussing what he wanted for Christmas ("toys" (new ones, as he clarified for me earlier) and "books" (library books, as he told me several days ago)) and that Jackson was soon going to be a big brother to a littler brother. 

He scored a yummy candy cane, and we were on our way.  I'd say this year was definitely a Santa Success.

And for reference, here's last year's photo

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