Monday, December 31, 2012

A Look Back at 2012

2012 was a big year for the Morans.  It was busy.  It was fun.  It was full of many firsts for Jackson.  And it brought lots of changes. 

We rang in the year with a infant and wrap it up with a talking, walking, extremely busy toddler.  We bought a house in the 'burbs which we're thrilled with but which also meant a bittersweet change in daycare for Jackson - we love the new school, but truly miss his previous teachers and the great care they took of our baby beginning when he was only four months old.

J experienced his first plane trip when we traveled to the big island with my parents in February.  We also went on a handful of trips to Yakima, and thanks to Corey who watched J, I was able to join my family in Vegas in June to celebrate my grandma's 90th birthday. 

And speaking of birthdays, it was a big year for those around here - Jackson had his first in April, Corey turned 36 in September, and I celebrated my 30th in October, complete with an amazing trip to Sonoma County with close friends, planned entirely by the hubby.  It even included a delicious private dinner cooked by chef Eric Lee.

2012 was a big year for friends and family as well.  Baby Stellan (Nick & Gina's son) arrived in July, our friends Jennifer and Andrew were married in October, and my brother and Anya got engaged on Christmas.

In less happy news, 2012 brought some sad moments as well with surgeries for both our kiddos (more about Jackson's here; more about Roxy's here).  Luckily though, both were only to remove benign cysts.  We also experienced a scary elbow dislocation with Jackson which was quickly fixed and he's as good as new.

All in all though, I'd say 2012 was a pretty great year, and we're all looking forward to what 2013 has in store for us.  But in the meantime, here's a photo recap of our year!

Happy New Year from our family to yours - we wish you love, health and happiness all year long.

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