Sunday, April 15, 2012

Moving On Up

Over the past few weeks, Jackson's been "practicing" in the Toddler room at day care, before officially transitioning from the Infant room later this month.  From what they've said, he's been doing great and seems really happy with the "big kids".

I wish I could be a fly on the wall during circle time, nap time and lunch/snack time.  Apparently he loves circle time and often mimics the teachers.  I have no idea how they get all the kids to sit and stay still during circle time, though.  For nap time, all the kids rest on mats (no more cribs!) from 12-2 and Jackson has been getting great sleeping reports.  How does he know to lay down and sleep and not crawl around??  And for lunch time, he sits in a chair at a table.  Again, how does this work? 

Here are a few of my favorite daily reports:

It seems that my baby is really turning into quite a big boy, right before my eyes.

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