Wednesday, April 25, 2012

1 Year

Had Jackson's 1-year check-up today and received another good report.  Aside from the multiple tantrums he threw throughout the appointment (I had to wake him up early from his nap at daycare to get to his appointment, and I think he was still a bit sleepy), the appointment went well.

  • Length: 33" (99th percentile)
  • Weight: 26 lbs, 7 oz (98% percentile) - He absolutely refused to let the nurse weigh him today, so this is his weight from an appointment last week, when we took him in for an eye infection.
  • Head: 47.5 cm (90th percentile)
He received four shots and was mid tantrum before the shots even began, so I literally had to lay on top of him to keep him from rolling and moving while the nurse did the shots.

The doctor advised us to move from 28 oz. of formula per day to 20 oz. (max) of whole milk so ultimately it becomes a supplement to full solid meals, vs. the main meal with solids being supplemental.  So hopefully this will help expand his solid tastes and he'll eat more of them.

Finally, sadly, with our upcoming move, we'll need to switch pediatricians but luckily our doctor was able to provide a few Sammamish/Issaquah area recommendations. 

Outside of today's appointment, here are other things going on Baby J's world.

New Stuff:
  • Top two middle teeth are breaking the skin as we speak.
  • Can walk up to 10 feet on his own and has been taking a few unassisted steps between objects, vs. just Corey and I.
  • Almost fully transitioned into the toddler class at daycare and is doing very well with naps on his mat.  In fact, Corey had to pick him up early the other day for a follow up appointment for his cyst and when he got to daycare, Jackson was the only one still asleep.  He was in the middle of the room alseep while other kids played all around him.  Maybe he's a deeper sleeper than we thought?
  • Hates having his diaper changed and does everything he can to roll over/get up.  Up until a week ago, he never tired to roll on the changing table, but now, regardless of whether we change him on the table or the floor, there's a whole lot of rolling and squirming going on.
  • Has become more open to using a sippy cup, and with assistance, has sucked some water down in the last week or so.
  • Likes chewing on his toothbrush but HATES when we try to brush his teeth.
Foods loved:
  • Bananas
  • Puffs
  • Mum Mums
  • Gold fish crackers
  • Oatmeal
  • Plain Greek yogurt (I'll often mix in pureed fruit)
  • Tofu
  • Pear fruit cups
  • Applesauce
  • Cottage cheese
  • String cheese
  • Almost any jar of fruits/veggies and some turkey or chicken flavors
  • Waffles, bread/toast
Foods hated:
  • Meatballs
  • Chicken
  • Any kind of pasta or noodle (though I have gotten him to have a few bites of mac & cheese)
  • Any fresh veggie
  • Fish (breaded or non)
  • Non string cheese, cheese
  • Basically anything not on the 'Foods loved' list above
Net is that our kid loves carbs and fruit.  Smart boy.

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