Sunday, December 4, 2011

Seeing Santa

With a little one, the holidays have become even more fun.  Yesterday we decorated our house and Jackson liked looking at the ornaments and trying to touch the tree. Surprisingly though, the lights on the tree didn't fascinate them as I'd thought, given his interest in the lights in the elevator.  Then, last night, we headed to the U Village so Jackson could meet Santa. 

We timed it perfectly and arrived around 4:30 and the line was shorter than I expected - I think we waited less than 30 minutes for our turn.  Jackson did great waiting in line and was fabulous with Santa - no crying and we definitely got a few smiles on camera.

After J's first Santa experience, we headed over to the Ram for dinner, which J loved.  Seriously, the kid LOVES being out and about.  The louder and more stimulating, the better.

All in all, a great pre-holidays weekend with a very exciting first in the books.

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