Saturday, December 10, 2011

Munchkin on the Move

As you know, Jackson has loved to stand for quite some time but this week at daycare, he spent a lot of time (very proudly) pulling himself up to a stand using the toy box and the side of the ball pit. And then yesterday, when I picked him up, his teachers were so excited to tell me that he spent the much of the day army crawling around the classroom.  There were toys spread all around the room and apparently, those were all J's toys that he army crawled to and from to play. He's been army crawling a little bit at home recently, but nothing like that, so we were excited to see him do it for ourselves this weekend.

We spread out some toys on his play mat tonight, and sure enough...a little bit of real crawling and lots of army crawling followed.  Cutest thing ever!

Later, he kept trying to get Roxy's hedgehog, so I kept moving it from him everytime he got close to it.  He ended up army crawling about 10+ feet.  Guess we better start baby-proofing!

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