Wednesday, December 21, 2011

New Favorite Past Time

Evenings are hectic. 

I try to leave work around 4 p.m. to pick Jackson up at daycare.  By the time I get there, pack him into the car and get home, it's usually after 5 p.m.  Roxy needs to do her business, so I get J situated into the BOB and we take Roxy out.  Once we're home, it's play time for J while I get dinner started. 

At that point, J's usually had enough of me calling the shots so he takes over, which usually means he doesn't want to play on his own, but would rather be held or have me play with him, which isn't conducive to getting his (or our) dinner on the table at a decent time, allowing us to have some family play time before bath time. 

So this week, we found a great solution --- Jackson helps me cook by chillin' on the kitchen floor, chewing on whatever fun, new toy I can come up with. The toy of choice, which keeps him occupied for ages, has been a small wire whisk.  Seriously - the kid is in love with crawling around, while alternating babbles with chewing on his 'toy'.  I'm close by, he's happy and I'm productive.  Success!


  1. I think you should give him a potato and a peeler and put him to work. He's old enough to start working for his dinner.

  2. That'd be great, if he actually consistently liked what we try to feed him. Soon enough, I suppose.
