Thursday, December 15, 2011

First Chomper!

Baby J has his first big chomper! 

Given that our kid has drooled like there's no tomorrow (often requiring multiple bibs and anywhere from 2-5 onesie/shirt changes per day) since he was about 2 months old, we never knew what his teething signs would be.  That said, we find ourselves feeling his gums every few days, never finding anything except lots of slobber.  The last chomper check was Tuesday night.

Since getting over his horrible cold last week, he's been pretty happy and very proud of himself as he's learned to crawl.  Then yesterday, he was super fussy in the morning, requiring me to hold and bounce him while I was trying to get ready (not his usual style), but he seemed fine the rest of the day.  Last night though, he was up from 1-2 a.m. WIDE awake and fussing on and off.  He was kind of stuffy, so I thought maybe his cold was making one final appearance. 

But then tonight, he was being extra smiley in the bath and I told him how I loved his gummy smile and that one day it would be full of little chompers.  A few minutes later, I snuck my finger in his mouth and lo and behold...his first little chomper had finally made its appearance! 

No photos to prove it since we can barely get our fingers in his mouth to feel the tooth, let alone see it, but I'm sure it'll make it's way into a few photos soon.

Maybe his stupping to Roxy's level by eating magazines over the weekend should have been our clue that something was up in that little mouth of his...

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, once a kid grows a chomper, they will have an urge to try them out. Well Mr. and Mrs. Moran, the teething phase is a challenge: your boy will try to bite more and more objects until he gets used to a full set of baby teeth.

    Fred Collinsworth
