Monday, September 5, 2011

First Day of "School"

Tomorrow is a big day --- Jackson starts "school"! Tomorrow morning, Corey and I will pack J up and take him to Young Child Academy for his first day of daycare.

We are so thankful to my dad and C's mom for taking care of J for the past three weeks --- I was able to ease back into work much easier knowing that J was having fun with family --- but I am really hoping he enjoys daycare. I think it'll be great for him from a socialization perspective and with activities like Spanish, sign language, art, sensory time, etc, he'll be exposed to so many new, fun things.

Today I gathered together all the things on the infant classroom list --- extra clothes, diapers, sheets, blankets, burp clothes, etc --- and it looks like he's ready to move in! I also wrote up some instructions regarding his eating and napping but formatted it as a letter from Jackson to his teachers to make it a little more fun vs. an instructional document (thanks for the idea, Stephanie!), so that his teachers have an idea of what works well and what J likes.

Normally Corey will do the drop-offs and I'll do the pick-ups, but we'll both drop him off tomorrow.  I'm sure it'll be hard to leave him the first time (or, let's be honest, the first week or more!), but I'm glad C and I will be there together and I know J will be in good hands.  Regardless though, I can't help but look forward to tomorrow's pick-up so I can see how his first day went!

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