Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Daycare Day #1 Recap

I am happy to report that Jackson had a great first day at daycare - whew! 

Jackson handled drop off better than his mommy, who cried on the way to work.  I can't even imagine how sad I would have been and how much harder it would have been had it been my first day back to work today, and thus my first day away from him.  I'm definitely glad I was able to ease back into this whole working mommy thing with him staying at home with family the first four weeks.

When we arrived this morning, J smiled and looked around for awhile before we left him.  As we were closing the door behind us, we heard a baby cry.  We quickly looked in the window to see if it was J, but it wasn't him - he was just grinning at some of the babies.

It was hard to focus on work today, so I'm glad it wasn't too busy.  All day I kept wondeirng what he was doing at that moment and whether he was being a good boy.  Around lunchtime, I emailed the program director to check in and an hour later she wrote back saying he was doing great, had taken some short naps (surprise,surprise) and that he'd been eating well.  Even though that put me at ease, I was so excited to see him that I snuck out of work a bit early and rushed over to pick him up and hear about his day.

Every day, we'll get a form that says when he ate, slept, had his diaper changed, what activities he did, and how his mood was.  Today he had Spanish, music, story time, and went on a walk between his four naps and they considered him "happy", "vocal" and "playful".

When we got home, I definitely noticed the vocalness --- he had some loud (happy) shrieks while playing this evening.  And he was very happy and full of smiles.  He devoured his sweet potato snack while making 'mmmm' sounds and quickly opening his mouth again every time I put the spoon back near his mouth.

I'm so glad today went well and that J seemed to enjoy daycare - it'll make the coming days a little bit easier.

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