Tuesday, September 20, 2011

All Night Long

I am (super) happy to report that Jackson's recent overnight sleep issues have greatly improved over the last few weeks.  I'm not going to say 'he's sleeping through the night' or else I know I'll jinx it...but I will say that since the day he started daycare two weeks ago, he's slept all night (8/8:30 until 6:30 when I wake him up to get him ready for the day) except for two or three nights (which, oddly enough, were weekend nights --- apparently daycare tires him out more than we do!).  And even the few nights he didn't sleep through the night, he still made it until around 4 or 4:30 before waking up and needing a little TLC from us to go back to sleep. In addition, he hasn't needed to be fed overnight at all since daycare started! 

That is HUGE progress considering we spent about four weeks getting up anywhere from 2-4 times / night to help him get back to sleep and to feed him.  It was especially hard for us since leading up to these sleepless nights, Jackson had been a great overnight sleeper, only waking to eat once and would go right back to sleep or, in the few weeks leading up to the issues, he slept all the way through the night on several occasions.  We were definitely spoiled there for a bit, so suddenly not getting much sleep, especially when we were both trying to function at work, was horrible!

Fingers crossed for more full-nights of sleep in the weeks and months ahead!

Our little sleepyhead is a total morning guy --- he is the happiest and chattiest first thing in the morning as seen here in his elephant PJs.  (BTW, this precious face is cute, but I'm not gonna lie - I think it's even cuter when we don't see it multiple times in the middle of the night!)


  1. It actually has more to do with the text message tips I've been sending to Jackson.

    I bet you didn't even know that Jackson and I text back and forth. We do.

  2. Especially helpful was the tip: "Just pee in bed so you don't have to get up. It's what I do."

  3. Yay! Hope the sleep streak continues.
