Friday, September 23, 2011

5 Months

J man is five months old today!  Again, I can't believe how quickly times passes or how many new things he learns and is able to do as each month passes.  And because he's so big, several of the teachers at his daycare thought he was already 5 months when he started.

Here are a few of the things that are big in J's world at five months old:
  • Still absolutely loves to stand and can do it with less and less support and for longer periods of time.
  • Can sit for a minute or so at a time without any support (but still falls over very quickly out of no where, as he proved last night when he did a face plant --- oops).
  • Loves to try to sit up anytime he's laying down --- changing a diaper, pulling up on his rings on his Einstein mat, etc --- I can't tell if he's working on a six-pack or if he's just trying to get a better look at things.
  • Continues to sleep really well all night.
  • Has taken some longer naps at daycare in the last couple weeks - several 1.5 hour naps and even two 2.5 hour naps!
  • Isn't too interested in food --- he'll eat it but definitely doesn't love it.
  • Can stay up longer and longer between naps --- he typically goes between 2-2.5 hours, but can last around three hours or so if we push him.
  • Is still drinking 7-9 oz. per bottle (he has five per day, which explains why Corey likes to say he drinks a Forty every day).
  • Loves to touch and grab anything that comes near him including faces, my hair, necklaces, blankets, Roxy --- my favorite is when he gently cups my face in his hand while smiling at me, making my heart melt...until his gentle touch turns into a firm grip / claw.
  • Is very vocal and loves to "chat", especially in the morning.
  • Is so very happy when we wake him up in the morning, greeting us with a huge smile, excited arms and legs and lots of stretching after we get him out of his swaddle.
  • Loves his Exercauser and easily entertain himself in it for 15-20 minutes.
  • Is back to sleeping with one arm in his swaddle since he doesn't sleep to fall asleep or stay asleep as easy when both hands are rubbing his face and eyes.

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