Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Daddy Daycare - Day 2

C8095717 by C. Moran
C8095717, a photo by C. Moran on Flickr.

[By Corey]

Today was a boring, uneventful day -- just like I'd hoped for.

After going down at 8 p.m. last night, he didn't quite make it to a wake-up time we'd like and I ended up having to feed him a bottle around 5 a.m. After that, he went back down and I had to wake him up at 7:40 a.m. so we didn't get too far off track. But from there on out, it was just the usual stuff: Hanging out, eating (him more than me), napping (him more than me), making weird noises (me more than him)...

It's only my second day on the job, but here's an observation that I'm sure many of you already know. Yes, aside from being tiring and a lot of work, taking care of a child takes some adjusting to -- especially if you're used to organization and wanting to be in control of things. In the working world, I've gotten used to a degree of structure, deadlines, timeframes and managing your own time.

In this world, it all goes out the window. The only certainties are that he's going to need to eat, he's going to need a nap, and I'm going to need to keep him entertained in between. As for when each of those things will occur, I can give a guess, but that's about it. And in my personality is the desire to fix things. I don't want to hear about a problem unless I can try and fix it. But the problem here is that a fix one time isn't guaranteed to work the next -- he'll love the dangling birds one playtime and then scream the second he's in front of them the next.

Again, I'm sure this isn't very insightful for anyone that's spent a full day with an infant, but I realized today that I have to be a lot more reactive than I'm used to.

Anyway, I continue to enjoy my time with Jackson. I also enjoy bed time more than I used to (mine, not his).

Here are a couple random pictures from today (and probably my last post for the week):




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