Monday, August 8, 2011

Daddy Daycare - Day 1

C8085570 by C. Moran
C8085570, a photo by C. Moran on Flickr.

[By Corey]

With Jenny going back to work and daycare starting after Labor Day, I was first up to bridge the gap. It got off to a bit of a rough start this morning, when the first wake-up call came at 1:45 a.m. when the motion sensor alarm on his baby monitor started going off, because he'd moved himself into a corner. One arm had gotten free, but I moved him back to the middle and went back to bed...

...until 3:00 a.m. when his other arm got free and he woke himself up, at which point he realized he was hangry (hungry + angry--a Moultrie-coined phrase). So, after 45 minutes of fighting the bottle, I put him back down to bed...

...until 5:45 a.m. when he woke up a little upset. A quick visit to comfort him and I was back to bed...

...until 7 a.m. when he was ready to get up for the day, so I fed him and put him on the changing table. While reaching for a spare diaper I heard a sound similar to a hose filling a plastic wading pool. That would be the sound of Jackson peeing on the table. Thankfully, he managed to pee right over his head and I wasn't forced into an emergency bath.

The only other incident came with his next feeding. The sure-fire jinx was thinking: "What if he has an accident on the only clean changing table cover left?" So, the instant I sat him on the table, he spit up all over it. Not like a little drool. More like half of what he just ate. So, add a load a laundry to the list of things to do in the morning.

But after that point, the rest of the day went pretty smoothly and I managed to get both a shower and lunch.

Not sure who was more excited to see Jenny come home though. I'm exhausted.


  1. Based on what you chose to title this post it leads the reader to believe that there will be more to follow as in Day 2, Day 3...

    We shall see...

  2. I thought about that...but I'm hoping the rest of the week will be so routine and uneventful that there won't be anything that's blog-worthy...

  3. Haha, a little healthy appreciation for Jenny's past few months. I gotta say, I kind of love it. But also hope that the rest of the week goes smoothly. :)
