Sunday, July 24, 2011

Night Away from J

Last night marked the first night both Corey and I were away from Jackson and I'm thrilled to report that it went very well for all involved!

Our friends Matt and Christy were getting married at the amazing Seattle Tennis Club so we'd lined up my parents to watch J while we attended the wedding and reception. Then, a few weeks ago, we decided to take my parents up on a previous offer to watch him overnight so we could get a full nights sleep / sleep in. With our 3-year anniversary coming up this week, and no other plans to celebrate it, and our plans to be out late at the wedding anyway, we decided to get a hotel downtown (which actually turned out to be the hotel that many of the out-of-town wedding guests were in) to stay after wedding.

It was the first time we'd been away from J together and while I had complete confidence in my parents, I was concerned that J would give them a hard time. I'm so happy to say that he did GREAT and took several 2-hour naps, slept 9 hours overnight and gave them plenty of smiles to repay them for being such great babysitters.

In addition, he learned a few new tricks in the short 20-hours we were away from him - he can now hold his thighs up / pull his legs back when you change him as if he's trying to help keep his legs out of the way (he started to do this right before we left but improved while we were away), he grabbed his feet for the first time, and appeared to be trying to pull his feet up to his mouth. It's amazing how fast he changes and learns new things, which is even more evident when away from him for a night.

This morning, we couldn't wait to get home to see him, and Roxy as well, so after sleeping in until about 8 a.m. (that's "late" for us these days!), we grabbed a quick breakfast at 5-Spot and headed home to our little fam.

We had a wonderful time celebrating with Matt and Christy on such an amazing summer day, dancing the night away, hanging out with some of Matt's college friends after the wedding, and having the opportunity to spend some quality time together in honor of our upcoming 3-year anniversary. Thanks again to my parents for watching Jackson for us!

1 comment:

  1. U guys were out til 2:30 and up at 8! Crazy! The Gossetts did not roll out of bed til close to 11.
