Saturday, July 23, 2011

3 Months

Jackson is 3 months old today and I honestly have no idea where the last three months have gone. Seriously I've blinked and our babe has changed so much more than I could have imagined and with only two weeks left of maternity leave, I've been cherishing every second with him even more than before.

Here are some 3 month highlights:
- Slept through the night (i.e. 9-10.5 hours) three of the last five nights.
- Happiest in the morning (like mommy!) and is VERY talkative during this time.
- Weighs just over 16 lbs (nearly double the size he was when he was born!).
- Turns towards voices and noises and will sometimes turn towards you when you say his name.
- Tracks us and Roxy as we walk across a room.
- Neck strength improves almost daily and he needs much less support when sitting or being held.
- LOVES to "stand" (with our support, of course) - the proud face he makes when doing so is priceless.
- Also loves to look at himself in the mirror.
- While he still doesn't love tummy time, he doesn't mind it quite as much as before.
- Drools up a storm and chewing on his hands or our fingers whenever he can find them.
- Enjoys playing with the toys that hang from his bouncer - he tries SO hard to pull the handles on his own, which make a little birdie twirl around, and has been able to get the bird to spin several times on his own.
- Wears more and more of his 3-6 month clothes and has started to grow into his shoe collection (which is expanding rapidly, since he loves shoes as much as mommy and daddy).

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