Thursday, June 9, 2011

Happy (Belated) Birthday, Roxy!

We are truly horrible puppy parents - Roxy's third birthday came and went on June 7 without our usual celebration. We talked about it last week and discussed how we'd celebrate her big day this year, given that she's been such a good big sister to Jackson, but when Tuesday rolled around this week, we completely forgot!

So during our errands around Ballard today, J and I popped into All the Best to pick up some extra special treats and two new squeaky toys to celebrate Roxy's big day. She loved the treats and spent much of the evening playing with her new toys. In addition, I'm going to take just her on a long walk tomorrow morning, which I'm sure she'll love. And we'll be sure to give her some extra love and affection - she's truly been such a good dog with baby J in the house.

We definitely don't have as much cuddle or fetch time for her as used to or as we'd like, but she seems to still love us. Now she simply follows us around more and if we stop anywhere in the house, she plops down behind us and waits for our next move. It's like her way of making sure we remember that she wants to spend time with us, regardless of where that might be, and her way of keeping tabs on us. She also will often lay on Jackson's rug when we're in there feeding or changing him. And she doesn't seem to mind the crying anymore --- she used to run into his room when he'd cry, but now she'll just open an eye from the couch (as if to say 'he's crying again???') as we walk by to go take care of him. And honestly, she just seems very interested by him, often trying to sneak a lick of his face or hands when he's doing tummy or back time on his play mat. Hopefully this is a good sign of things to come and when he's old enough to play with her, they'll be BFFs.

Happy 3rd birthday, Roxy! We love you, even though you may think otherwise lately.

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