Saturday, June 11, 2011

Cytochrome P450 3A4

If you don't know what Cytochrome P450 3A4 is, just ask Kelsey, the newest PhD graduate in town!

Even though she's been working for the last four weeks, Kelsey officially graduated from the University of Washington's School of Pharmacy yesterday as a Doctor of Philosophy in Medicinal Chemistry. Over the last six years, she's poured blood, sweat and tears into school and into her research titled 'Mechanism-based Inactivation of Cytochrome P450 3A4: An Examination of the Sequential Metabolites of Dilitazem and the Reactive Metabolites of Trans-Resveratrol'. (Note: While it may sound like I know what I'm talking about, please do not ask me what this means. I simply copied this down from yesterday's graduation ceremony program and actually I have no idea what this means, other than 'resveratrol' means red wine or is something in red wine, which is all that matters.)

We are so proud of (our extremely smart friend) Kelsey for all of her hard work and so happy that she's received her PhD. I was so glad I was able to attend her graduation yesterday, as I missed her dissertation (the presentation of her thesis, which would have helped me better understand what all her research was about) since it was on April 25, just two days after baby Jack was born. (We keep joking that we need to better plan our huge life events to not conflict with each other.) And not only did Kelsey earn her PhD, she had a job lined up at ProteoTech, a drug development company, months before she was even done with school.

After the ceremony, Corey, Jackson and I headed over to her house, along with some of her other friends and family, to celebrate the awesomeness that is Kelsey. We had a great time and not only were we thrilled to celebrate and toast Kelsey, Jackson was on his best behavior, which helped make for a very enjoyable (and stress-free) evening.

Congrats Kels! We are so excited for you, your new degree and career and can't wait to see what kinds of drugs you help develop!

Apparently parties wear J out --- he slept for about six hours straight last night (which is only the third time he's slept that long!)


  1. Congrats Kelsey! I think she is the only person with a PhD I know! Way cool.

  2. Thanks Jen! I loved having you there in the audience and at the party.

    Way to go Jackson on the six hours! We wore him out!
