Thursday, June 2, 2011

A Day in the Life of Baby J

As a new mama, I now fully understand what other mamas meant when they told me that your days fly by and that you are lucky if you squeeze a shower in. While we aren't doing all that much each day, the feeding / wake time / nap time cycles happen so frequently that I have no idea where the day goes.

While we're still working on a schedule, here's a sample of a day in the life of Baby J:

  • Between 6:30 & 7:30 a.m. - First feeding, typically followed by a short wake time*, followed by a nap while I get ready for the day (if we have plans).

  • 10ish a.m. - Second feeding, followed by wake time*, followed by a nap.

  • 12:30ish p.m. - Third feeding, followed by wake time*, followed by a nap.

  • 3ish p.m. - Fourth feeding, followed by wake time*, and sometimes followed by a nap.

  • 5:30ish p.m. - Fifth feeding, followed by walking Roxy, and sometimes followed by a nap (or fussy time, as has been the case lately).

  • 8ish p.m. - Sixth feeding, sometimes followed by wake time*, and typically followed by a nap.

  • 10ish p.m. - Seventh feeding, followed by bed time.

  • Between 1-2ish a.m. - Eighth feeding and then back to bed.

  • Between 4-5ish a.m. - Ninth feeding and then back to bed.

Keep in mind that there are obviously LOTS of diaper changes mixed in, as well as some fussy periods. Those just aren't as scheduled as the feedings --- don't be fooled! And, for the time being, while he does great sleeping in his crib overnight, he will have nothing to do with it for naps during the day. Thus, he often naps in his swing or bouncer. Finally, I catch up on housework (laundry, dishes, cleaning, making dinner) and the occasional nap during J's naptime.

*Here are some of J's wake time activities:

  • Back time on his Baby Einstein activity mat (thanks again, Kels, Gina and Sara - J loves this, and especially loves looking at himself in the mirror).

  • Tummy time on the Baby Einstein mat or on my stomach

  • Reading books

  • "Talking" to me while cuddling

  • Going on a walk in the BOB

  • Grocery shopping - though I'm typically a loyal Fred Meyer shopper, I've been opting to pop J in the Bjorn (which J loves - thanks again Reeders and Gossetts!) and cross the street to QFC -- he's so good while I pile everything into the cart, pay, push the cart to our condo to unload the goods and then push it back to QFC. This is all much easier than packing him into the car and then having to haul all the groceries up a few bags at a time from the car when we get home

  • Bath time

  • Hanging out in his bouncer or swing (thanks HMG - the swing is a big hit and he's actually swinging as I type this!)

  • Walking Roxy (after one of the late afternoon feedings) with J packed in the Bjorn - we're probably quite the entertainment for passersby as it's quite difficult to keep ahold of Roxy (who typically pulls us down the sidewalk) while trying to carefully squat down and pick up after her, all while keeping J happy and upright.

Note: Apologies for the full detail on his schedule; I'm also documenting it for myself so I have a way to remember how things used to be since they change very quickly and I'm sure I'll quickly forget how we spent our days when he was 1-2 months old.

1 comment:

  1. Love the blog update, Jenny! So cool to be able to read about how Jackson is growing up and how his schedule is, etc. Such a cutey! I can see he really loves his mommy and daddy! Love, Karenxxx
