Friday, June 3, 2011

Catching Up

Sorry folks - I've been a total blog slacker! I'm going to try to be better about posting more frequently, but in the meantime, there's a lot to fill you in on!

Two weekends ago, Jackson, Roxy and I made the trek over the pass to see my parents. Corey originally thought he was going to be gone for about four days for work and we thought it would be great if I could be in Yakima with my parents, who could help out with J and Roxy while he was gone. He ended up only being gone for a day (though a very long one, which began with a 6 a.m. flight and a return to Seattle at 11 p.m.), but it was still nice to get over to Yakima. The drive was just short enough that I was able to make it all the way there without having to stop and feed J, though he did get a bit fussy for a few minutes about 20 miles away - just as I was about to pull over, he fell back asleep. Coming back to Seattle, I stopped at the pass to feed him, just in case we ran into traffic - couldn't imagine having a hungry, screaming baby while stuck traffic! (Surprisingly, Roxy was hardest to deal with in the car, as she's used to sitting on one of our laps and she kept trying to climb over the console to sit in my lap.) It was a quick trip but I was able to take J into both of my parents' offices, which they (and their co-workers) loved.

This past Wednesday, we went into Children's Hospital for a hip ultrasound. I had hip dysplasia when I was a baby (which required a body cast at the time) so J's doctor wanted to have his hips checked to ensure he didn't have this. He thought J's hips would be fine based on an initial examination and because dislocated hips typically run in first born breech females, but as a precaution, especially because he was breech until late in the game, we had the ultrasound. We should hear the results soon, but even if he does have hip problems, many improvements have been made in the last 28 years and there are a lot of things that they can do outside of a body cast, so that is great.

J and I have been getting out for one or two mile walks a few times a week, weather permitting. Last weekend, we met up with Kels and Gina, and J experienced his first Greenlake walk, which he slept the entire way through. I was a little nervous he'd wake up fussy at the farthest point from the car, but he slept the entire way and did great. We love the BOB!

J smiles more and more every day --- not sure he's doing it yet because he recognizes us, but he'll often break out into a smile when looking at us while he's eating, or when we're talking to him. Love that. And two times now, he's giggled in his sleep, which is the cutest sound ever. And he always smiles right as he's falling asleep and the other day, as I was holding him, he fell asleep and his whole body shook slightly while he was smiling --- though there was no sound, it seemed as though he was giggling.

As I mentioned in my last post, J and I have been grocery shopping at QFC lately since it's so convenient. Both times I've taken him, he's been a perfect angel in the Bjorn - he didn't make a peep. Once he was alseep the entire time and the other time he was awake, checking everything out. And when I take him out in the Bjorn to walk Roxy he does great - he's usually awake and looking around at everything we pass by.

We've noticed that J can track things with his eyes that are 2-3 feet away. When I stand a few feet from him with a toy or stuffed animal and move it back and forth, his head and eyes will move to watch it. Love to see him learn new things!

He started drooling a TON this week. I wasn't sure what this meant at this early age, but in a Baby Center email I received earlier this week, it sounds like teething can begin as early as 3 months, with signs (like drooling) appearing 1-2 months before the first tooth. Not sure if that is what his out-of-control drool means, but I guess we'll find out soon enough.

Finally, our boy is starting to get some serious rolls! His thighs are getting massive and rolly, and his tummy looks like a beer (or maybe milk?) belly. Love to see our little man becoming quite the chunky monkey.

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