Monday, February 7, 2011

When are you due?

Over the last three weeks, people have gone from asking me 'are you pregnant?' to 'when are you due?' Apparently I have officially popped as people I haven't seen in ages or people I hardly know are coming right out and asking without any doubt in their minds that there's a bun in the oven. There's no more mistaking that there's a little person in my tummy who is growing more every day.

Piglet has been kicking a lot more lately and I think he even had the hiccups the other morning --- I felt about 50+ perfectly timed rhythmic movements (which strangely felt just like kicks) in my lower abdomen when I woke up in the middle of the night for a bathroom break and to grab a glass of water. Some quick research led me to believe those were likely hiccups - who knew?!

So far, he seems to be both a morning person, like his momma, and a night owl, like his daddy, since he is the most active when I first wake up in the morning and then again later at night. We love to feel his kicks and watch my tummy move when we get into bed at night and sometimes, we can even feel tiny body parts in certain areas. We're never too sure what they are, but it's fun to try to guess.

To help Roxy start getting used to all things baby, we've been letting her into Piglet's room (which she loves, especially the rug - she runs around on it and drags herself all over it) and letting her smell the baby stuff we've been given by friends. She's been especially intrigued by the car seat Tyler and Katy gave us --- I found her in Piglet's room, in the dark, smelling it before our walk tonight, and she ran right back to itt after our walk (when typically, she runs right for her water bowl).

We had a follow-up ultrasound three weeks ago and things seem to moving along nicely. In addition, the previa that the doc noticed several months ago has fixed itself, so the chance that we'd have to have a c-section has gone back down. While we weren't able to see his little face (since he was folded up again), we learned that he was in the 60 percentile for growth and was tipping the scale at 2.5-2.75 lbs. (I,on the other hand, have somehow managed to pack on about 25 lbs!)

We're now in the 31st week and it is so crazy to think that in just two short months, our little man will be here! In the meantime, I start bi-weekly doctor appointments (vs. once per month), I have my baby shower this weekend (which I am so excited for!), we are taking an infant CPR class next week and then the first weekend of March, we are taking a weekend long baby class. Lots of fun stuff help make the next few months pass quickly!

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