Sunday, January 23, 2011

Chili Fest

Three years ago, around this time of year, my group of high school friends (+ Sara, our fab college friend) all got together at Kels' for a yummy chili dinner. We continued that a year later at our place. For some reason, we didn't keep up the tradition last year, so this year, we decided it was time to re-start this annual gathering with a chili fest at our place. And today was the big day.

On the menu was chili, cornbread, wedge salad and s'more cheesecake bars. On TV was the Steelers / Jets game (and much to Sara's delight, her Steeler's won). On the agenda was an evening of fun with friends.

It's not often that all seven of us are able to get together, so we always look forward to the times when plans work out that enable us all to be in the same place at the same time. And honestly, you can't really go wrong with a great group of friends, good food, and football (for the guys + Sara).

I hope we can keep up this fun tradition for many years to come.

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