Friday, April 30, 2010

T-Mobile Takes On Orlando

I'm back at home sweet home! I just returned home this afternoon after a week long trip to Orlando, FL for WES 2010. WES is the largest BlackBerry conference and is held yearly in Orlando at the Marriott World Center - BlackBerry customers, carriers, and partners from around the country and the world come together for a giant BlackBerry love fest.

T-Mobile holds two customer appreciation events each year, staffs a booth to showcase our products and services, and hosts a breakout session for customers and prospects to come hear more about us. In addition, our leadership team is able to meet with our top customers who attend WES. Lots of fun, right? Well it is, but it's also a lot of work! I was the project manager on the project overall during the last seven months of planning, and it was my responsibility to help keep everyone on track and keep the project plans moving forward.

Four of us flew in last Saturday to start setting up our meeting rooms, getting collateral print-outs made, picking up supplies, etc. We had long days of walking all over the hotel (which is the largest Marriott in the world!) to help keep everything and everyone on task and after packing up and shipping everything back home yesterday, the four of us were completely exhausted. If only I'd thought to bring a pedometer!

Overall, it was a successful week. Everyone seemed to enjoy the events that took place, said the customer meetings went really well and overall that it was a great WES. Even though it was a great deal of work, it wasn't ALL work and no play - we found a few hours to relax by the pool yesterday and were able to hit up the Orlando Premium Outlets...twice.

Here are some of my favorite photos from the week. The rest are on my Flickr site.

Our column wrap at the entrance to the showcase area. We used this look & feel on all our collateral and it really stood out compared to what some of the other carriers did.

View of the huge pool from one of our rooms.

The main project team - Siiri, Hilary, myself, Connie and Vicki - passing out passes to our Tuesday event.

Siiri and I at our Tuesday cocktail reception event.

Every year, RIM (the BlackBerry manufacturer and company that puts WES on) hosts a big party during WES. This year, they had Joss Stone and Siiri and I made it just in time to see DJ.

Entrance to our Wednesday event - this is the larger of our two events and is held out by the pool.

The area for folks to get massages.

It's hard to tell, but these are real people! They'd reach out and touch people walking by, scaring or confusing them. So funny to watch!

The girls again - Siiri, Connie and Vick - before the Wednesday event wrapped up. We're sporting the T-Mobile branded hats we gave out to customers.

Jenna (from our marketing team) and cooling off in front of the T-Mobile globe.

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