Saturday, November 15, 2008

Sunny Seattle Saturday

As most of you know, after it hits November here in Seattle, we don't see the sun much for about 9 months. We were pleasantly surprised today though, when we woke up to find the sun streaming in our windows. We were excited when the Allen's (Ben, Heidi & Luci) called and asked if we wanted to go on a walk. We knew we had to take advantage of the sun while we can!

The Allen's met at our place so they could meet Roxy. Roxy also got to meet Luci and was great with her - and Luci loved Roxy! She smiled at her almost the entire time. It was so fun to watch the two of them.

Here are a few pics of Roxy & Luci:

I have a feeling that Luci is going to be walking soon!

Luci & Roxy sizing each other up.

Luci is such a cute, happy baby!

Roxy loves sitting on the couch like a person. It seriously calms her down for some crazy reason.

After introducing Luci to Roxy, we took a walk and stopped at the The Scoop @ Walter's for some coffee and pastries to re-fuel for the walk home. At The Scoop, they were preparing for Thanksgiving and had supplies for kids to make construction paper turkies, which of course, us 20- and 30-somethings decided was right up our alley. We had a great time and I'm sure the folks at The Scoop thought we were drunk. Here's a peek at our creation:

Hey - you try making a paper turkey without glue!

Stay tuned - I think Brio (our friend Consuelo's dog) and Roxy will be meeting for the first time tomorrow and I'm sure we'll have some great pics and stories to share then.

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