Sunday, November 16, 2008

Meeting of the K-9's

We're having the whole gang (Corey's parents and brother, Consuelo, my parents and brother and my grandma) over for Thanksgiving and we've invited Brio (Consuelo's dog) over as well. In order to ensure Roxy and Brio play nice on Turkey Day, we thought we'd have them meet ahead of time. Today was the big day.

Roxy and Brio are almost the exact same height and length, which was really cute. Roxy probably would have pounced on Brio if we'd let her and I don't think Brio is completely sold on Roxy yet (I wouldn't be either if a stalky dog kept leaping at me while snorting and huffing & puffing). We took a walk with the both of them and they seemed to do okay walking / running around with either other. Hopefully they'll remember each other come Thanksgiving.

Here are a few pics from the meeting:

Umm, who are you?

Scoping out the same bush...

Good shot for you to see how similar in size they are...for now (Roxy is still supposed to gain 8 more pounds).

They met a another dog (a poodle mix) at the play fields nearby.

And you are?....

And on a side note, I thought I'd share Roxy's latest habit. Every morning, I take her out for a potty break as soon as I get up. She used to literally sprint outside to her bark patch but in the last week or so, she has taken to army crawling down the entire hallway, from our front door to the door of the stairs. While this may seem cute (and trust me, it is), it is pretty frustrating at 6 a.m. to have to wait for her to crawl down the entire hallway just to go outside to do her business, but at the same time, I can't help but smile. It's a good thing she's cute, right?!

Making her way from our door to the stairs this morning...

And here's a close-up...

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