Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Swimming & Grampa Curtis

While Cole dabbled in the water a few times in Hawaii and briefly in Yakima over the summer, he had his first official swimming lesson over the weekend.  We wanted to start him early to help avoid the fear over the water that J experienced as a toddler, and we were able to sign up for two back-to-back classes through Arena Sports so that both boys could enjoy a session this winter.

The water was a bit cold, but after Cole acclimated, he just loved splashing around...that's one of his favorite things to do in the bath, so I can only imagine that he thought the pool was just a HUGE bath. He also loved when the instructor brought out the plastic balls to play with.  They wanted to keep the first class really low key, just to get the kiddos used to the water, so we're looking forward to learning some new tricks in the coming weeks.

And Jackson did a great job in his lesson, especially enjoying kicking and blowing bubbles.  So great to see him so comfortable in the water.

And in other fun news, Grampa Curtis was in town last week for the first time since right after Cole was born, so we were all excited to see him and catch up.  And I know he enjoyed his time with the boys, and seeing first hand how much Cole had grown and changed in his first year.  He was even able to see the boys in their swimming lessons. 

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