Saturday, December 31, 2016

2016 - Year in Review

Whew!  Another fun year, nearly in the books.  While it's been a great year, we have lots of planned in 2017 and are looking forward to the new year.  But, before we think ahead, here's a quick look back at 2016.

Cole turned 2 early this year and around that time, he started in the Early Preschool class at school. He's doing great there and we just adore his teacher, Ms. Kelly.  He got rid of his pacifier ('bink'), went on his first camping trip, moved to a big boy bed (we converted his crib to a bed much earlier than planned, after he climbed out a few weeks ago), and has been dabbling with using the potty.

Jackson turned 5 this year, learned to read and has moved to chapter books, is writing much better, loves math (and has moved into multiplication and division), started Kindergarten, learned to tie his shoes, ride a bike, and started gymnastics.

We went to Whistler with the Barths in January and Kauai with the Reeders in May (and have a trip back planned next May!). My mom and I enjoyed a girls' weekend in Palm Springs in March. Corey and I went to Vegas over the 4th of July weekend, ran a 1/2 marathon in San Francisco with friends in July, and celebrated his 40th in Portland with the Reeders and McNeills.  Corey visited Spence and Renata in Olso as a birthday present, and he, the boys and my dad went camping.

We had a great holiday season with lots of celebrations and family time at home together, and with our families.  We wish you all a wonderful 2017!

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