Sunday, September 11, 2016

Summer Fun

The boys' school was closed the week before school started so I took the week off to hang with them.  When we aren't at school and working, I always like to do things that we typically don't do on the weekend due to lack of time or wanting to avoid the crowds, so we planned some fun outings and sprinkled in some things around the house.

First up was the Playtorium with Gramma Joan.  And a trip to the Factoria Mall is never complete without rides on the cars.

Some of the sounds from the ball area were too loud so Cole tested out some ear plugs and surprisingly liked them

The boys spent time that afternoon building Legos.

The next day, we visited Corey and work and then took the monorail to the Space Needle.  The boys had a blast.

J was so excited to get a seat near the driver. He was totally impressed with all the buttons and the fact that we went 35 MPH.

That afternoon, the boys made muffins for snack before we took a walk to see the horses.

Next up was KidsQuest (also with Gramma Joan), which the boys always enjoy.  Their favorite part is always the water area, and this time was no different.

During Cole's nap each day, J and I played lots of Uno

And one afternoon, we hit up McDonalds' indoor play area, which the boys  love. We've been a few times and they're entertained and both times they've played nicely with each other for over an hour.  They had milkshakes for a snack and I was able to catch up on a good book (I've been a bit of a bookworm lately), so everyone was happy!

Found out that the boys love to clean windows. Score!

And to round out our week home, the boys bounced their brains out.

We had such a fun week together.  It was the perfect break for all of us to rest and recharge before school started back up.

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