Saturday, June 25, 2016

Life Lately

Life since returning from Kauai last month has been crazy - all good stuff, just lots of stuff going on.  Here are some of the highlights.

We went to Yakima over Memorial Day, which was relaxing for us, and lots of fun for the boys.

Jackson & Cole are both enrolled in summer soccer, which began last week.  Jackson has done several sessions and Cole has been occasionally reminding us that "I like soccer", so it was time.  Jackson moved up a level and is now scrimmaging during his practices and is doing great.

Jackson is also participating in gymnastics. He has been enrolled in a class during the afternoon school program but wanted to do it on the weekends, too. He started today and caught on quickly.

Speaking of school, his last year of preschool ended last week and next year, he'll be in kindergarten.  He'll stay at his current school for that, before moving on to the nearby public elementary school for first grade.  We're so proud of how great he's been doing in school (reading, multiplication and now some division, spelling, etc.) and can't wait to see what he does next year.

Last day of school!

School was closed for several days after the last day, before summer camp started, so I took those days off work and my mom came over and we went on some adventures with the boys, including a trip to Woodland Park Zoo, the ferry to Bainbridge for breakfast at Streamliner Diner, and the Great Wheel.  The boys had a great time, and it was nice to do some "touristy" stuff without having to fight the weekend crowds.
They just loved the wind on the ferry


Could they get any further apart?

We celebrated my grandma's 94th birthday a few weekends ago, and it included a surprise trip from my uncle. It was nice to have everyone together to help her celebrate.

Corey and I are training for the San Francisco 1/2 marathon at the end July, which we're doing with Sara and several other friends to celebrate her birthday. So, there's been lots of running for us.  We've also been doing some workouts together at home which has been fun.  Today was my longest run in over 6 years and I felt great...aside from the coyote sighting at the verrry beginning of my run. That definitely had me picking up my pace (and heart rate!) for a bit.

Corey's been busy at work these days, and I had a work trip to Chattanooga a few weeks back.  Corey handled everything around here flawlessly while I was gone, and appreciated Joan's help picking up and helping with the boys.

With warmer weather, we've been spending lots of time outside playing with bubbles, water, driving cars, and riding bikes (which J is getting really close to doing without training wheels!).

I wish I knew what was going on here, but I just love the different take each has on the situation.

Cole LOVES cats, especially our neighbor's cat, Tigger.

Gramma's new place is within walking distance to Central Park.  Score! 

Discussing his (imaginary) lemonade stand

He really wanted to vacuum my car; how could I turn that offer down??  He actually did a really good job, too!

After eight years of condo ownership, with the last four renting it to Joan (best tenant ever!), she purchased an adorable townhouse in the Issaquah highlands.  We just love having her closer, and the location and unit is perfect for her.   And timing wise it made sense for us to sell the condo,so we put it on the market last month. It sold in 4 days over asking, and we couldn't be more thrilled with how everything turned out, though it is a bit bittersweet considering it was our first purchased home together, we brought Roxy and Jackson home there, and we just love all that Ballard has to offer.

Cole loved exploring and playing in the empty condo during our last visit

Last condo pic!

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