Friday, May 20, 2016

Kauai 2016

Last week, we headed to Kauai with the Reeders.  We had an amazing trip and thoroughly enjoyed our week of fun in the sun.

The boys did well on the plane, though it was a bit exhausting keeping Cole occupied for more than a few minutes a time (he's not into shows/tablets yet, so we packed all kinds of snacks and activities that we rotated through).  And both boys adjusted quickly and easily to the time change both ways.

Cole enjoyed watching the activity out on the runway while we waited to board our flight to Kauai

Cole slept for around an hour on the way there, and about an hour and a half on the way back!

So much STUFF

Hads and J were so cute on the train to baggage claim upon our return

The house Lisa found us in Kukui Ula (near Poipu Beach) was perfect - 3 bedrooms (all with their own bathrooms) in the main house, and another bedroom and bathroom (where we stayed with Cole) attached to the garage.  There was a great pool with a waterfall that everyone enjoyed.

We spent some of the days at Poipu Beach in the morning, followed by lunch and naps (or quiet time for J) at the house and then some pool time.

Cole liked digging in the sand but in general wasn't a huge fan of the ocean/beach.

J had fun on our first few trips to the beach but was ready to stick with the pool by our last trip, though he did like looking at the crabs that were found all over the rocks towards the back of this photo

Just sweeping the beach with some seaweed.  No big deal.

Cole says his favorite part of the trip was seeing this seal, who was sunbathing on the beach

J's favorite part of the trip was the pool.  He got some great swimming practice in (even without his floatie!) but especially loved when the guys played "catch" with him.

While Cole didn't love going in the pool, he sure did love squirting all of us with the squirt guns. He has surprisingly good aim.

On other days, to avoid the kiddos being in the sun too much, we did other activities. One day we made it to the Kauai Plantation Railway where we had a tour of the plantation by train, complete with a pit-stop to feed pigs (a highlight for the kids for sure).

Who knew killing time while waiting for the train could be so adorable?!

A rare full group photo

Another day, we drove to the Hanapepe Swinging Bridge.

Loved these flowers in the back of this truck, right near the bridge

And another day we hit up Spouting Horn, which the boys thought was pretty cool.

Boys were excited to pick out souvenirs, courtesy of the money Grampa & Gramma gave them for the trip

All breakfasts were made at the house, many lunches were courtesy of several local food trucks (delicious fish tacos!) and some dinners were at the house while we braved a few restaurants for others.  The final night, the dads cooked an amazing dinner of freshly caught tuna (purchased directly from the local who caught it the day before) and grilled veggies.

Group shot before our last dinner out

Shave ice was a favorite of the boys, and was enjoyed nearly every day.

Sharing The Fresh Shave oh so nicely

Cole's lips were blue for hours after this

We also just had lots of fun relaxing at the house, and spending quality time together.

Cole could often be found in Hadley's room, in her bed, cuddling with her animals.  He especially loved her panda bear.

I told the boys they could each pick out a necklace.  This was Cole's interpretation of what I'd said.  (Rest assured - after much much negotiation, they each left with just one.)

Love that all three of my boys have the same smile here

The kiddos loved watching the Princess and the Frog one night

Cole enjoyed washing rocks in the outdoor shower

Strong hubs, hauling 80+ lbs of squirmy boys to the car

You can't tell but Cole's arm is around Hads...

Love these boys so so much!

We arrived home to rain and temps in the 50s but even though the boys didn't get to bed until after 11, they were troopers when we woke them up at 6:30 for school the next day.  Luckily the work/school week went by quickly, and we have lots of fun memories (and tans!) to remind us of the fun we had last week together.

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