Sunday, June 7, 2015

Cougar Mountain Zoo - Round 2

With all the recent nice weather, we thought a trip to the nearby Cougar Mountain Zoo would be a fun way to spend the morning before having to come home for Cole's nap.  So, last Saturday, we packed the boys up and off we went.

It was fun to be back for a second trip as it had been awhile - our last trip was nearly two years ago.

The boys enjoyed running around and seeing the animals. Jackson's favorite part was feeding the deer and reindeer (same as last time). Cole got really excited about the cougars and tigers and enjoyed seeing the birds, though it was the crows that made him smile and point more than the macaws.

Below are a few shots from our trip this year, and the post from our last visit in 2013 is here.

Checking out the cougars

J feeding the deer

Daddy feeding the animals kiddos

Family zoo selfie!

My babes

He's looking so grown up to me lately - makes me sad. Time just won't slow down.

Gotta fuel up before checking out the reindeer 

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