Sunday, June 28, 2015

Chelan Getaway

Last week, we enjoyed a Lake Chelan getaway with my parents, Joan and my grandma.  We had an amazing time, great weather, and enjoyed a ton of fun activities.

The house we stayed in worked out perfectly with three bedrooms in the main house and two bedrooms over the garage, which is where we stayed. When the boys woke up nice and early, we were able to hang out in our own space, without waking everyone else up.  Though only about 5 minutes from downtown, it was located high on the hillside, making for amazing views from inside, on the porch, or from the pool.

While Cole seemed to enjoy the pool at times, J absolutely loved it, and spent hours swimming, jumping and playing in it.  I'm so glad he's overcome his fear of water, and his hate of getting his head wet. And with his floatie, he was able to swim around on his own as well as jump in by himself.

Grandpa may have enjoyed the pool as much, if not more, than the boys...

The first full day we were there, we kicked off the day with a trip to a local park.  As expected, the boys had fun, and enjoyed playing on some new/different toys.

The crew, encouraging Cole's "airpwane" obsession (always said with a point to the sky)

From there, Joan, my mom, Corey, Jackson and I met up with Brian (Corey's boss) who was in town for the week and offered to take us out on his boat.  We headed over to his condo to see the recent remodel, ate a quick lunch from the Lakeside Drive Inn and then went out on a tour of Chelan and the surrounding area by boat.  It was Jackson's first time on a boat and he loved it.  And everyone loved the shaved ice we picked up on the way back to the house, to help cool off.

Then Corey, Joan and I hit up a few nearby wineries - Benson and Lake Chelan Winery.  The views from Benson were amazing, and we enjoyed a number of their wines, purchasing several bottles each.  Lake Chelan Winery was fun and had some delicious cider, which we purchased. (They also host a BBQ each evening, which we enjoyed for dinner later in the week.)

 That evening, we went to dinner at Campbell's, a cute restaurant located in downtown Chelan.  Cole provided the entertainment, "chatting" with Great Gramma, and waving hi/bye to the cars that drove past the window, as well as pointing out "cars" (which he says with a bit of a Boston accent).

Pointing out one of the many cars he saw drive by, said with excitement each time.

On Wednesday, we headed to Slide Waters with my dad. Jackson loved the water slides and Cole loved the baby/little kid toys and splash pads, and a few of the small slides.  Looking forward to going back again when Cole can enjoy more of the slides and when J can do more on his own.

J's been picking lots of flowers (leaves) for me at school during recess and giving them to me at the end of the day.  He found this pink (he knows it's my fave color) leaf while heading to go down a slide and carried it all the way down in his little hand, proudly giving it to me at the end. So sweet!

While we were at the water park, the ladies enjoyed lunch and a fashion show at Tsillan Winery.  

On Thursday, we kicked off the day with breakfast at Blueberry Hills and then spent much of the day in the pool and having fun at the house.  For dinner, we picked up salads and pizza from Local Myth, and while our food was being prepared, we checked out the local farmer's market (one of J's requests).

We loved Chelan...especially the fact that it was a sunny summer getaway that only took a few hours in the car and that it offered so many fun activities for everyone.  We hope to do it again next year, and maybe even make it an annual adventure!

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