Tuesday, September 23, 2014

This & That

Jackson continues to come up with amazing questions, say the funniest things, and is basically becoming quite the know-it-all.

He loves to look at the forecast on his phone for all the cities we know people in, and then tell me all about the weather for that day/week.  We were looking together one night before bed, and he saw a moon for that day, and he said, very enthusiastically, "It looks really moon-y, today!"  I can't say I blame him...moon-y the opposite of sunny, right?

For some reason, he truly thought his friend Romi in his class at school was going to turn 5 leading up to her birthday a few weeks back.  He was adamant about it, and never would believe me that she was only turning 3.

Not sure what his teacher actually told him, other than she's from a country far away (Taiwan) but he was adamant that "Miss Alex lives at the North Pole!"

One of his friends left Rainbow School to attend Montessori school.  Jackson told me that "Aaron is going to high school now!"  I kept telling him that Aaron was just going to another preschool, but he wouldn't believe me.

We go to the farmer's market for dinner every Wednesday evening and it just happens to be across from Skyline (the high school he'll go to).  We must have told him that once a long time ago, but every time we drive by, he says "That's my high school!"

He's got a great memory and can recall everything we've told him in the past.  When asked what age he can drive, he will tell you 16 every time. Or when asked when he can have coffee, he'll tell you 16 (we must have told him that once, because if we just tell him "when you're a big boy", he confirms he's already a big boy, hence us having to tell him a specific age).

He is very perceptive and notices when I've recently painted my toenails. He'll tell me, "I like your NAY-als, Mommy!"

And one of our recent favorites..."hockey socks".  In his class, when you reach 10 smiley faces for good behavior, you get to pick out a "treasure".  The only toy he hadn't already selected when it was time to chose a new one yesterday was a hacky sack, so that's what he came home with.

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