Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Seafair 2014

With the Blue Angels expected back at Seafair this year, I thought it would be fun to take Jackson somewhere where he could enjoy their show for the first time.  Plus, I hadn't ever really see their show up close (just from a distance in places I've lived or from my office), and really wanted to check them out.  I did some research and decided that the Park on the Lid on Mercer Island would allow us a good view, while keeping us fairly close to home, and would provide Jackson a place to play before/during/after the show.

So, figuring it would be crowded, we decided to get there around 12 p.m., which was almost two hours before the show started, allowing time for a picnic lunch and for the playground.  While we made it with enough time for both of these activities, we actually sat on I-90 trying to get off the freeway for almost an hour - apparently everyone else on the Eastside had the same idea as us or they were trying to get over the bridge before it closed around 12.  Once we finally made it off the freeway, I started looking for parking and nearly took my friend Jennifer up on an offer to park at her parents house nearby.  But, a nice elderly lady happened to be in her driveway just a few blocks from the park when we were driving by and told us to park in her driveway.  So off we headed to the park.  Surprisingly it wasn't nearly as crowded there as I was expecting, considering the traffic and parking situation...but I think everyone was walking out to the I-90 bridge to watch instead.

There were some planes performing while we ate and Jackson played, and while he attempted to (unsuccessfully) use an outhouse for the first time, which made for great entertainment while we waited for the big show.  Once the Blue Angels started, Jackson was very impressed with them - he'd never seen anything like them.  We'd tried to describe them to him before the show, but without having any frame of reference, all he did was ask if he could ride in one (sorry, not that kind of plane, bud).  He wasn't scared like I thought he might be, but did jump once when they flew up from behind us (very loudly, and out of nowhere) at one point.

By the time they were about done, I think the heat and missing his nap was starting to get to him, as when we were playing on the playground one last time before we headed out, he started to get pretty fussy, literally bawling while at the top of the slide because he wasn't happy with where I was standing to catch him (even though he'd told me to stand right there).  Once his tantrums were over, we headed back to the car where he promptly fell asleep, though he says that's not true.

Meltdowns aside, I think he enjoyed the experience and I'm looking forward to future Seafairs that we can enjoy as a family.

No big deal - just documenting this momentous occasion, where he asked to have some broccoli (what?!)

Seafair selfie!

J being silly and asking me to take his pic

My cutie Seafair date

"Mommy, it's too loud!"

"I didn't fall asleep..."

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