Sunday, April 27, 2014

Easter Weekend

A little late, but better late than never, right?

With no big plans for Easter weekend, my parents decided to come over for a quick visit to see the boys and to (finally!) cash in a John Howie gift card.  In addition to their help with the boys throughout Saturday, they watched the kiddos after their JH dinner, so that we could get a much needed date night!  Corey and I headed to Sip for some wine and dessert (delish ice cream sandwiches for me and a salad for him (who gets salad for dessert?!).  It was great to get out together and chat without interruptions.

J was eager to start his Easter egg hunt first Sunday morning. Luckily the rain held off, which allowed the Easter bunny to hide the eggs outside, in some really great places. J thoroughly enjoyed the egg hunt, as well as opening all the eggs up to find out what was inside.  No surprise the eggs with jelly beans or chocolate Cadbury eggs were deemed the best his book.  He also loved opening all of his Easter presents, and boy there were a bunch of them between grandparents, great grandma and us.  He is a spoiled kiddo!

Here are a few photos from our relaxing Easter celebration.

Spotted an egg

That Easter bunny really got creative, even using Grampa and Gramma's car to hid eggs.

The first of many presents to be opened last week (since his birthday was just days after Easter - more to come in another post soon).

Enjoying a new, musical Dora book - I knew it'd be a hit since it touches on three of his favorite things (books, music and Dora).

A family pic in honor of Easter.  Only took about 20 takes to capture.  We were all exhausted afterwards.

Cole looking handsome in his Easter best - this is an outfit Corey's parents picked up for J when they went to Paris shortly after he was born. So fun to get to see it on one of our babes again!

Brotherly love. I don't think things like this will ever get old.

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