Friday, March 21, 2014

Out of the Mouth of J

They say kids say the darndest things, and it's no different with Jackson.  I look forward to picking him up from school each day, not just because I miss the heck out of him and want a big hug, but also because I can't wait to hear what he has to say.  And the talking doesn't stop there - he is my chatterbox, talking nearly nonstop until he's in bed falls asleep.

Of course, no conversation is completely without a few "whys?" from J, but it's the stuff between those "whys" that is the best.  I love how his mind works and enjoy seeing how he connects things.

Walking out of school, I mentioned that he should put his artwork in his backpack because it was windy out.  As he did that, he said, "Yeah, we don't want it to wind away!"

When it's cold or rainy outside, the kids play in the gym at school rather than go outside.  The gym was locked one day, so I'm assuming one of the teachers had to go find keys and/or someone to open it.  As Jackson was telling me this, he asked if he could bring his keys to school the next day so that he could unlock the gym doors.  (He has his own set of real keys that he used to carry around, rather than our keys, so we didn't have to worry about losing them.)

He's often extra affectionate while cuddling before bed.  I've mentioned it here before, but because it's not something he says every day, I can't get enough of it when he does say, "Mommy, I love you so so much..."

As Cole, J and I get to my car after picking J up from school, I tell Jackson to stand by the end of my car, just beyond Cole's door, while I put Cole in the car.  I tell him, "stay right here, and don't move a muscle!" so that he doesn't run out into the parking lot.  Recently, I've started to say, "okay, stand here and what should you not do?" and he replies with, "Don't move my muscles!"

Leaving his class each day, there's a huge bookcase in the hallway at school that has tons of books and toys.  J's recently taken notice of it and literally "shops" it for birthday list ideas. He'll leave his classroom and say, "I want to look at toys for my birthday list for a minute".  He consistently shows me the same toys, and has been know to show them to daddy at drop-off in the morning.  I love that he's so excited about his birthday and that he's planning ahead and scoping things out.

My grandma took a bit of tumble a few weeks back (she's recovering well) and we were talking about how she wasn't feeling well (she was sore).  Jackson said, "we can't go see Great Gramma because she might throw up on us...". 

And the best is for last.  While cuddling last night before bed, Jackson, out of the blue, said, "I like Cole. He's such a good baby."  Melted. my. heart.

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